The Aquatic Gazette

Introduction to Project Nanos

In Project Nanos on June 23, 2012 at 00:01

Hey all!

[TAG] has been quiet for the last two months and now you’re about to find out why. I have been planning and laying the groundwork for a major new project and the time has now come for me to reveal it to you. I’m pleased to present, Project Nanos.

So, what is Project Nanos?

It will be a journal of several nano tanks that I will aquascape and showcase over the coming months. My best efforts in equipment, photography and information will be placed into the setting up of each of these tanks. Once matured, the tanks will move on and new ones will be featured. I’m committed to a minimum of three different nanos, but I’m challenging myself to see how far I can go.

I’m tempted to give you more details on the set ups right now but I’ll wait till they each come along. That way, there will be more for you to look forward to. But what I can show you right now is a picture of the first set up, Nano I. My next post will give you more information on the equipment I chose for Nano I, the aquascape and my justifications behind all those choices.

As usual, I welcome any comments and questions. I hope that this journal will benefit you more, than it will do for me.


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